Optimized Mechatronics course labs and elevated realism in Management Engineering courses through strategic enhancements to conveyor system simulations.
Feeder Conveyor Simulation: Programmed and optimized PLC programs using Node-Red, introducing a cutting-edge feeder conveyor with shaped boxes for a lifelike parcel simulation. Integrated an Arduino UNO seamlessly with the existing PLC, driving the stepper motor of the new conveyor to augment functionality.
SCADA System Development: Developed a comprehensive SCADA system using Ignition to monitor conveyor status, ensuring real-time visibility into system performance.Linux Environment Establishment: Established a Linux environment for Jetson Nanos, enabling the seamless execution of computer vision programs. Implemented communication with an MQTT broker, fostering seamless data transfer between the Ignition server, PLC, and Jetson Nano.
Hands-on projects in digital circuit design and VHDL programming (using Intel Quartus Prime).
Implemented an HVAC system on an FPGA board. This system monitors and displays the current and desired temperature on a 7-segment display while controlling the air conditioner to achieve the desired room temperature.
Designed a traffic light state machine for an intersection simulation. In this project, I developed a Moore Machine with 16 states. It responds dynamically, switching the green light to amber immediately if pedestrians are waiting to cross and there are no vehicles crossing the other direction.
Developed a robust idling monitor device using key components: MQ135 gas sensor, STM32 Nucleo-F401RE microcontroller, 20x4 LCD module, LED, and HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor.
Implemented advanced functionality to detect idling vehicles based on both motion and carbon dioxide concentration, displaying real-time data on a 20x4 LCD and providing warnings through an LED.
Enhanced proficiency in microcontroller programming and sensor integration through the successful execution of this project.